Author Archives: admin

Boil Water Advisory Lifted; Leak Repair Update

The precautionary Boil Water Advisory for the Northern Anchor Bay area and beyond has been lifted as of today January 31, 2025. This affected those from “No Name” Street (the street just south of Bayview) and north, to the end of our service line. An automated call will go out to the primary phone number on all affected accounts and flyers are being handed out.

We appreciate your patience during this emergency situation.

One leak was repaired but it appears that there is still another leak affecting all customers from Anchor Bay Village north through the end of the water district. Customers in this area are requested to continue being mindful of their water use until the second leak can be identified and repaired.

Please make sure your contact information is updated in the North Gualala Water Company office (for example, if your phone number changes there is no way for the office to know unless you provide that information). The office is open Monday-Thursday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Customers can call the office at 707-884-3579 or email at

Voluntary Conservation (1/25/2024)

The North Fork of the Gualala River has increased consistently due to a series of storms that have hit our area over the last several weeks. River flows are now above the bypass requirement (see here), which means that the district is back under Voluntary Water Conservation measures.

Customers were notified of the change by automated phone calls on January 24.

NGWCo_Voluntary Conservation

Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions.

Ridge Customers Must Conserve Water (1/24/2023)

Some customers in our system received the following message on their phones today. Below you will find a map with the affected streets marked with a purple line.

“This is an emergency notification from North Gualala Water Company. The recent storms have damaged some of our source pumps.  We urge customers to really minimize water usage in order not to drain our water supply until the issues with our source pumps are resolved.  Customers living on the ridge in the following locations are affected:

Pacific Woods Drive, Friendly Avenue, Tickled Pink, Tiger Tail, Boca Chica, Old Stage Road, Seaside, Country Club Way, Ocean Ridge Drive, Ocean View Lane, Sub-station, Moonrise, Stargaze, Gualala Court.

We will send out notifications as soon as updates are available. Should you have any questions, please call our office at 707-884-3579 during our business hours from Monday to Thursday from 8:30AM to 4:30PM.”

Notices for Pressure Zones 3 and 4 (1/9/2023)

Two important messages for some North Gualala Water Company customers. You can find your account number on your water bill.

  • For customers in pressure zone 3 in the Anchor Bay area (with a “3” in the second-to-last digit of their account number): The State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water, has determined that although pressure went low in Zone 3 service area, the main line pressure did not go below the required 5 psi so there is no need to issue a BOIL WATER ORDER to those affected customers.
  • For customers in pressure zone 4 in the Sunset Drive area (with a “4” in the second-to-last digit of their account number): There was a service line break in your area that caused a temporary water service interruption.  We are expecting the water service to be back in a couple of hours.  Please BOIL your water prior to use.  The official notice can be found at this link. For more information about this boil water order, please visit the “Boil Water” page on our site at or call our office at 707-884-3579 during our normal business hours of Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. 

Mandatory Conservation (8/30/2022)

River flows have fallen below the required minimum, putting the Mandatory Water Conservation Program back in effect. Read all about it here.

Customers are reminded that restrictions on water use are in place, including irrigation methods and timing. For details, please refer to the above Mandatory Conservation page and to the customer handout from your November 2014 bill, which can be found here.

Please call the office if you have any questions. As always, thank you for conserving water!

Notice to Customers: Precautions & Policies During COVID-19

An automated call was sent out to all North Gualala Water Company customers on Thursday, March 19, 2020 around 5 pm with the following information.

“North Gualala Water Company is calling to inform its customers of some important precautions and policies put into place due to the COVID-19 virus situation.

  1. The office is closed to the public. Customers should call the office with inquiries or to schedule an in-person appointment with the staff.
  2. Water operators will continue working their regular hours: 8 am through 4:30 pm and weekends by a designated on-call operator.
  3. There are many payment methods available to water customers that do not require them to come to the office. These options are on the website, Facebook page, and posted on the front door. NGWC strongly encourages customers to make payments online or over the phone.
  4. Customers now have the option of scheduling payment pick-ups from their residence if they are unable or unwilling to use one of the existing payment options. Customers who wish to learn more or to schedule a payment pick up should call the office during working hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday. The office is closed Fridays.
  5. There will be no service turn offs for non-payment for the next sixty (60) days or until further notice. Customers are still responsible for paying their full bills each month.
  6. Customers are informed that there is no evidence that COVID-19 virus survives the disinfection process for drinking water. Californians can continue to use and drink water from their tap as usual.”

Tap Water is Safe from COVID-19 Virus

Did you know? Californians can continue to use their tap water for drinking and cooking as usual because the COVID-19 virus has not been shown to survive the disinfection/treatment process for drinking water.

Read more here:

Our clean water is also perfect for washing your hands for 20 seconds straight in accordance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s handwashing protocols:

Payment Options During COVID-19 Situation

North Gualala Water Company has a variety of ways for customers to pay their bills remotely and at the office. Our office is open for customers Monday-Thursday from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm (closed Fridays).

As a drinking water utility, the health and safety of our customers is our #1 priority. If you are feeling ill or are concerned about being in public right now during this COVID-19 situation, please do not come into the office–instead utilize one of our many payment options that limits contact with our staff. If you’re healthy, come on in! We’ll wave hello, process your payment, and answer any questions you might have. Our delicious mints will be handed out one at a time to limit the number of people touching the packages. We know they’re the best part of coming to the office so just ask and we’ll give you one. 🙂

•Come inside the office during business hours to pay by cash, credit/debit card, check, or money order
•Drop your check or money order payment off in the blue box outside our door anytime with the payment coupon portion of your bill or write your account number on the memo line (payments are processed within 1 business day)

•Mail your check or money order with the payment coupon portion of your bill or write your account number on the memo line
•Call the office during business hours to pay by credit card over the phone (no service charge)
•Pay online by credit/debit card through our payment service (fee applies):
•Pay by phone using your credit/debit card anytime by calling our payment service number at 1-855 483-5729 using ID code 9544511 and your account number
•Sign up for auto draft from your checking account or credit/debit card (no service charge):

You can always find our payment options on the left sidebar under ‘How to Pay‘.

Mandatory Conservation (11/14/2019)

River flows have fallen below the required minimum, putting the Mandatory Water Conservation Program back in effect. Read all about it here. Hopefully we will get some autumn rains soon!

Customers are reminded that restrictions on water use are in place, including irrigation methods and timing. For details, please refer to the above Mandatory Conservation page and to the customer handout from your November 2014 bill, which can be found here.

Please call the office if you have any questions. As always, thank you for conserving water!

Office Closure Due to Power Outage

The North Gualala Water Company office will remain closed on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 due to the power outage.

Water operators will be working and are always on call, 24/7 every day of the year.

Regular and late payments can be processed when we re-open the office.

If you have questions please call David at 925-337-5258.