Author Archives: Jana

Voluntary Conservation (2/24/2025)

The North Fork of the Gualala River has increased consistently due to a series of storms that have hit our area over the last several weeks. River flows of the North Fork of the Gualala River are now above the bypass requirement (see here), which means that the district is back under Voluntary Water Conservation measures.

Customers were notified of the change by automated phone calls on February 24.

NGWCo_Voluntary Conservation

Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions.

Emergency Repairs in Anchor Bay Require Conservation & Boil Water Order

Today, January 28, 2025 a large leak in a water main line water discovered on Highway One north of Anchor Bay. Emergency repairs began immediately.

This morning, all customers in Anchor Bay and areas northward in the water district were notified by automated phone call of the need to conserve water. This is because this area is served by water tanks that are not able to be refilled quickly enough due to the leak.

A small subset of customers north of Anchor Bay have had their water turned off during the water line repair. Once the water service is restored, they will be under a boil water order per guidance from the State Water Resource Control Board Division of Drinking Water. This is a precautionary measure. These customers received a separate automated call about this situation and had a paper noticed posted at their residence.


Who is affected?

Everyone from Anchor Bay and areas north must conserve water.

Customers who have had their water turned off and will be under a boil water order are located beginning at what North Gualala Water Company calls “No Name Road” (the unpaved road immediately south of Bayview off Highway One north of Anchor Bay) going north through Amerigas.

How were affected customers notified?

Automated phone calls were sent out to the primary phone number on the affected water accounts. Customers who will be under the boil water order will also find paper notices on their residence.

What do I need to know?



Failure to follow this advisory could result in stomach or intestinal illness.

Due to the nature of today’s emergency water line repairs, the state Division of Drinking Water in conjunction with North Gualala Water Company are advising affected residents to use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes as a safety precaution.

DO NOT DRINK THE WATER WITHOUT BOILING IT FIRST. Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one (1) minute, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking and food preparation until further notice.  Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.  This is the preferred method to assure that the water is safe to drink.

 Optional alternatives:

  • An alternative method of disinfection for residents that are not able to boil their water is to use fresh, unscented, liquid household bleach.  To do so, add 8 drops (or 1/8 teaspoon) of bleach per gallon of clear water or 16 drops (or 1/4 teaspoon) per gallon of cloudy water, mix thoroughly, and allow it to stand for 30 minutes before using.  A chlorine-like taste and odor will result from this disinfection procedure and is an indication that adequate disinfection has taken place.
  • Water disinfection tablets may also be used by following the manufacturer’s instructions.

North Gualala Water Company will inform you when tests show that water is safe to drink and you no longer need to boil your water. We anticipate resolving the problem within 4 days.

What is the potential risk?

We cannot quantify the risk, but it is expected to be very low. Health and safety of our customers is our top priority. Under direction of the State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water (one of the water company’s many governing bodies), the boil water notice was put into place to ensure that no one becomes ill if the water line had become compromised during the emergency repair.

When can I stop boiling my water?

Affected customers will be notified again when the boil water notice has been lifted. Bacteriological samples must be clear for 2 consecutive days before it can be lifted.

What water do I have to boil? 

Water for consumption should be boiled. That includes water for cooking, brushing teeth, and drinking.

What can I do instead of boiling my water?

Customers may opt to disinfect their tap water with bleach (see above for the method) or water disinfection tablets according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Bottled water may also be used.

I use a Brita water filter at home. Isn’t that good enough?

North Gualala Water Company does not certify or sell any type of water filtration system so it cannot offer advice or opinions about the efficacy of these types of filters. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for guidance.

What is the water company doing to make sure my water is safe to consume?

The water company operators immediately flushed the line after the repair was completed to remove any potential foreign debris and chlorine is used on all repair components to ensure a sanitary connection is established. Calls were made about the boil water order and notices were posted on houses of those who could not be reached by telephone. Additional bacteriological testing will be conducted as prescribed by the state, beyond the company’s regular on-going testing regime.

I want to talk to someone at the state about this. Who can I call?

The office of emergency services can be reached at 1-800-852-7550, 24 hours a day.

What can I do to help?

Follow the boil water guidance in your home. Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water in your immediate area, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, vacation rentals in your neighborhood).

Mandatory Conservation (10/9/2024)

Gualala River flows have fallen below the required minimum for this time of year, putting the Mandatory Water Conservation Program back in effect as of October 9, 2024.

Customers are reminded that restrictions on water use are in place, including irrigation methods and timing. For details, please refer to the Mandatory Conservation page.
Please call the office if you have any questions. As always, thank you for conserving water!

Mandatory Conservation (11/15/2023)

Even with the recent rains, river flows have fallen below the required minimum for this time of year, putting the Mandatory Water Conservation Program back in effect as of November 15, 2023. Read all about it here.

Customers are reminded that restrictions on water use are in place, including irrigation methods and timing. For details, please refer to the above Mandatory Conservation page and to the customer handout from your November 2014 bill, which can be found here.

Please call the office if you have any questions. As always, thank you for conserving water!

Voluntary Conservation (2/27/2023)

The North Fork of the Gualala River has increased consistently due to a series of storms that have hit our area over the last several weeks. River flows are now above the bypass requirement of 21 cubic feet per second (see here), which means that the district is back under Voluntary Water Conservation measures.

Customers were notified of the change by automated phone calls on February 27.

NGWCo_Voluntary Conservation

There is a lot more rain coming over the next 10 days. Stay safe everyone and avoid driving in dangerous weather conditions.

Source Pumps for Ridge Customers Now Repaired (1/30/2023)

A reverse call just went out to the customers on the streets listed below.

Our source pumps have now been repaired and are fully operational.

The water emergency notification is now being lifted for customers living on the ridge at the following locations: Pacific Woods Drive, Friendly Avenue, Tickled Pink, Tiger Tail, Boca Chica, Old Stage Road, Seaside, Country Club Way, Ocean Ridge Drive, Ocean View Lane, Sub-station, Moonrise, Stargaze, Gualala Court.

Pacific Woods Drive, Friendly Avenue, Tickled Pink, Tiger Tail, Boca Chica, Old Stage Road, Seaside, Country Club Way, Ocean Ridge Drive, Ocean View Lane, Sub-station, Moonrise, Stargaze, Gualala Court.

Again, the emergency notification is now cancelled.

We are, however, still in state of Mandatory Conservation and encourage everybody to continue conserving water.

Should you have any questions, please call our office at 707-884-3579 during our business hours Monday to Thursday from 8:30AM to 4:30PM. Thank you.

Voluntary Conservation (6/8/2022)

Our water company’s Mandatory Conservation Program river bypass level changed on June 1. From now through November 14, river flows greater than 4.25 cubic feet per second put us into Voluntary Water Conservation mode.

Customers will be notified of the change by automated phone call.

NGWCo_Voluntary Conservation

Keep up the good work with your conservation efforts!

Notice to Customers: Office Reopened

The North Gualala Water Company office has reopened. Customers must wear a mask in order to enter the office. Please call the office with questions at 707-884-3579.

Mandatory Conservation (08/10/2020)

River flows have fallen below the required minimum, putting the Mandatory Water Conservation Program back in effect. Read all about it here.

Customers are reminded that restrictions on water use are in place, including irrigation methods and timing. For details, please refer to the above Mandatory Conservation page and to the customer handout from your November 2014 bill, which can be found here.

Please call the office if you have any questions. As always, thank you for conserving water!

Voluntary Conservation (6/2/2020)

Our water company’s Mandatory Conservation Program river bypass level changed yesterday, June 1. From now through November 14, river flows greater than 4.25 cubic feet per second put us into Voluntary Water Conservation mode.

Customers will be notified of the change by automated phone call.

NGWCo_Voluntary Conservation

Keep up the good work with your conservation efforts!