Bypass Level Changes, But State Restrictions Remain

Our water company’s Mandatory Conservation Program river bypass level changed today, June 1. From now until November 15, river flows greater than 4 cubic feet per second put us into Voluntary Conservation.

Normally, this means that customers have no official restrictions on their water use (i.e., conserving is voluntary rather than mandatory) and they can return to washing their cars, power washing the exterior of their house, and irrigating however they wish.

However, things are not so simple anymore because of the drought. Even when our customers are under Voluntary Conservation, California statewide restrictions are still in place and must be followed.

All customers received a detailed billing insert in April containing information about these statewide restrictions. It is important to remember that fines of up to $500/day are possible if these customers violate any of these restricted water uses.

The following water use activities are not allowed as ordered by the State:

1. Watering outdoor landscapes that causes water to “runoff” onto adjacent property, nonirrigated areas, private/public walkways, roadways, parking lots, etc.

2. Washing a vehicle, with a hose without a shut-off nozzle or other device that will immediately stop the flow of water when not in use.

3. Using drinking water to wash driveways and sidewalks.

4. Using drinking water in a fountain or other decorative water feature, except where the water is recirculated.

5. No irrigating turf or ornamental landscapes during and 48 hours following measurable precipitation.

6. Restaurants and other food service establishments can only serve water to customers on request.

7. Hotels and motels must provide guests with the option of choosing not to have towels and linens laundered daily and prominently display notice of this option.

8. Customers will be informed by their water utility when the utility is aware of leaks that are within the customer’s control.

9. The State has imposed water company-specific restrictions. For North Gualala Water, that means irrigating of ornamental landscaping and turf is limited to only 2 days per week.

We understand that this is a confusing mix Mandatory/Voluntary Conservation Program restrictions and State restrictions–please feel free to call the office with any questions.

Thank you for conserving!

Anchor Bay Water Main Break

If you live in Anchor Bay, you may have noticed low pressure or no water early this morning…or maybe you didn’t because our crew was up there rerouting the water early on this freezing morning so no one would have to do without!

The guys are still up there, making a permanent fix to the broken water line right now.

Central Valley Cable customers were affected by this water line break, also, because CVC’s line was in the same ditch and got damaged. Both companies worked closely to restore internet/cable/water to all our customers.

Thanks NGWC and CVC customers for your patience!


This is how the water main break caused the area’s cable internet service outage. The extreme water pressure sliced right through the data cable.


Here you can see the break across the underside of the 6″ water main. The water pressure was so intense at the break site that it broke through the adjacent locator line (the wire in the conduit).

***NGWC cannot provide real time updates on water outages on this website. Often, it is because of intense storms with power outages, preventing computer and internet access.  Please call the office if you ever have any service issues or questions.