Author Archives: Jana

Continued Office Closure Due to Power Outage

The North Gualala Water Company office will be closed yet again on Thursday, October 31, 2019 as our staff continues to work behind-the-scenes to restore the system following the extended power shutoff.

Regular and late payments will be processed when the office reopens. Customers are welcome to pay their bills online as well.

Your patience is appreciated!

Questions? Call David at 925-337-5258.

Voluntary Conservation Measures (02/11/2019)

The North Fork of the Gualala River has increased consistently due to a series of storms that have hit our area over the last few weeks. River flows are now above the bypass requirement of 41 cubic feet per second (see here), which means that the district is back under Voluntary Water Conservation measures.

Customers were notified of the change by automated phone calls today.

NGWCo_Voluntary Conservation

The National Weather Service has issued a Hazardous Weather Outlook and other weather outlets are showing predictions for several more inches of rain this week.

Batten down the hatches everyone! And keep up the good work with your conservation efforts!

Voluntary Conservation (03/01/2018)

Our water company’s Mandatory Conservation Program river bypass level changed yesterday, March 1. From now through May 31, river flows greater than 21 cubic feet per second put us into Voluntary Water Conservation.

Customers were notified of the change by automated phone calls yesterday.

NGWCo_Voluntary Conservation

Keep up the good work with your conservation efforts!